H & C Applications are Permanent Residency applications that are filled from within Canada. You may be able to qualify for an H & C and obtain Canadian permanent residence status. Individuals without legal status would be eligible for H & Cs if they have established themselves in Canada.

A good candidate for an H&C application would be someone who has resided in Canada for a number of years and is unable to qualify under any other category for immigration.

One of the major factors in deciding the H and C grounds is undue hardship which you will be facing when you return back to your home country. Its important to note that H & C applications are not refugee applications.

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H & C

Some important facts for a successful H & C Application

A very convincing and a strong submission letter is of paramount importance to have a successful H & C application. The forms should be completed accurately, and all the supporting documents should be compiled for a successful application. Its important to understand that the H & C application are non – routine applications and the decision depends on the reviewing immigration officer.

The H & C application could take around 12-36 months to get finalized. It is highly recommended that the application remains in the country while his H &C application is being processed. An interview might be conducted by the officer to conclude to approve or disapprove the application.

Once the H and C application is approved, you will be asked to undergo immigration medical exams and obtain police clearance certificates . Once these formalities are done landing document is issued.

If the application is refused you have 15 days to appeal the refusal to the Federal court of Canada.

Humanitarian and Compassionate application is a very difficult application and takes expertise to have the application approved. We, at Popular immigration take pride to handle H & C applications with confidence and an aggressive approach is used to ensure that cases are successful.